How can I create shortcuts to another PC?


I'm an absolute rivet when it comes to technology (do not judge wants to learn it.).

That's why I have a question, and I hope someone can help me and the situation is well enough described:

There are two devices. Once a laptop, and once a PC. PC belongs to Person A, Laptop Person B. Person B has an Excel spreadsheet on the desktop. Person A would like to access the spreadsheet from their PC. How is that done? Using a drive? Connections? Is that possible?!

Sorry if the result is obvious, but I've been looking stupid and stupid '


I would just copy it to a USB stick and then open it on the other device. If that does not work then just send by email.


Person B releases a folder (network share) and packs his table there. A can now access the table if he is on the same network.

Alternatively you could use DropBox!


Many Thanks! But would that work in the long run? The Excel document is often edited and updated.


Thank you, I'll try it!


Since it is probably about Windows:


Would you have to do it again every time.


If necessary, you can also transport viruses and spyware with a stick. Is this avoided by network or shared folder?

I would take a place in the cloud, m.W. Are the virus safe (but do not know exactly)