MSI laptop repair?


I have an MSI GE73VR 7RF Raider laptop that recently broke the display lid when it was closed on the left side. After researching the MSI forums, I unfortunately had to find out that it is a known problem with the product line and occurs more frequently with regular device use. Well, unfortunately I didn't use it too regularly, more like 2 to 3 times in maybe 14 days so that my warranty has now expired xD

I once asked a repair service what the technical costs would be and they gave me almost 200 euro as the cost of replacing the display cover.

But I also saw that you can order an exchange lid yourself for about 60 euro, which leads me to my question: Is it possible for a layperson to replace the display lid, or are there instructions for it? I didn't find anything like it in a hurry.

Otherwise I would leave it at the damage I think. Apart from the fact that I can no longer close it, luckily everything still works.

Thank you for your answers and stay healthy

LG Sebastian

MSI laptop repair

If that's a known problem, then it's probably a tension risk. (Well known at Motorolla, but will not be made public. But I worked for it and I know it.

Send with this notice.

If they do not want to feel, then say that you are doing this publicly. We have internet.

You will get an exchange device. And with that we have the next problem… A replacement device is NOT a new device!

Insist on a new device. NO used ones!

This is very important.

According to the law, they are not allowed to send you any used equipment in exchange.

Otherwise… Again. Internet and make it known.