Battery charger shows green light, but laptop flashes orange, what to do?


Have the following problem: Laptop indicates that is no longer charging and the laptop flashes orange (so is not charged). Unfortunately, at the same time, I see that the battery pack is showing a green light (so it's very likely that the cordless battery is working). What should I do? Is my laptop broken? Or how can my laptop run normally again, that is, that no orange light is flashing?

Looking forward to your answers:-) Thank you in advance!


Could be a battery problem, or a defective power supply. Either because the power supply indicates that it consumes power, the battery could be broken, so remove the battery and see if the laptop works, if it is powered only by the power adapter. If it does not work, it's probably the power supply. If it does, it could be power supply OR battery, or even both together → Broken power supply that overcharges and damages / scrapes the battery.


If I understand correctly, is the green light on the power supply itself? If so: This light shows i.d.R. Only that your power supply is powered. If your operating system (for example Windows) displays "fully charged" or similar, the battery is full.

Is something engraved on the orange lamp in the case or a relief font? This probably indicates that the laptop has disk activity - for example, when something is stored or read. Through a virus scanner or an update process, it may also happen that the light is permanently on or flashing.


For notebook batteries, it's not even about how old it is, but about the number of charge cycles. If you turn the notebook on and off frequently, it may well be that the electronics of the battery already in a 2 years old device denselbigen locks. I have also tried schonmal to trick, but I ended up with a cheap replacement battery from Ebay, it is just not different, the replacement of the chip would cost more than a new battery.


Many thanks.