WLAN on the laptop is shaky, how can I fix it?


The WLAN of my laptop has only been working in waves for a few weeks; For about three weeks it has worked very well for a few minutes, but then fails completely after a fairly short time or suddenly becomes completely lame. It can't be due to the router; all other devices have Wi-Fi. I also unplugged the router and started it up again several times, and tried to re-enter the Wi-Fi password on the laptop, but Wi-Fi remains shaky. Does anyone know how to fix this?


You can try updating the drivers

If the WLAN card is broken, you can replace it with a better one on many laptops


The main problem with WLAN, i.e. With radio transmissions, is the radio connection!

Partition walls, metal objects and plants etc. Shield this signal strongly! The best way to do this is to have a "line of sight" between the router and the end device.

Often the USB stick or the WLAN antenna is still in the back of the PC, between the router and the stick there's the table and the PC (with metal housing) - not much is received.

For testing, put the cell phone right next to the stick or antenna and see how good the signal is. Then measure at other locations for comparison.

The following variants provide a remedy:

an extension that at least brings the stick / antenna away from the PC
Check whether there are interferers on the WLAN channel or directly next to it - change channel
Check whether the interruptions already occur at the entrance of the router - view the log in the router

To check with the mobile phone I use the "Fritz-WLAN" app