Open Office functional under restricted rights?


I'm setting up new laptops for a nonprofit organization and I have a policy:

Users should be able to create and update Open Office tables, but otherwise not be allowed to access other data or the operating system.

How do I install Open Office so that the tables in Calc can also be changed or updated from a user account with restricted rights, i.e. With read and write rights?

Can someone help me?


Is there still an open office that is updated? I'm not sure, but I think Openoffice has been replaced by LibreOffice… At least in various Linux distributions


Still being updated, but rarely since it was owned by Apache. LibreOffice is currently being updated more frequently.


W. No question of OpenOffice. There you can control access related to files (keywords field protection and password) but not related to access to directories. This is usually controlled via network or system restrictions.

In Windows 10 you can define login-related rights, i.e. The users may not have admin rights, but to what extent access can then be controlled, e.g. Only to one folder, I don't know. There's the topic of user and group guidelines on the Windows side, but what is possible, my knowledge is not sufficient for that. But you will probably not be able to restrict anything with OpenOffice. Greeting