Laptop good enough uni?


I bought this laptop for my chemistry studies: Akoya Medion E2291

I study chemistry, which is why I do not need graphics programs. The only thing I need is Word and PPt to write my reports. And sometimes you hear Hearthstone play XD

is that good for it?

Do not want too blatant Laoptop, because otherwise I would only gamble XD

From the price he is also quite good, because I wanted to spend 200 euro plus minus

Does anyone have experience with laptops with the same specs that study as well?


Now that he's already bought, it's probably too late to think about it.


Already bought and you want to buy it yet?

If you have already bought, you have no choice but to deal with it.

For the university and as a writing set completely sufficient.

To play relatively unusable, unless you play TETRIS with it.