Games on my new laptop suddenly stutter?


I have a new laptop and have been playing games for about a few weeks and have had no problems. But since some days, some games start to stutter, as if loading new areas but that's not the case. I also have no fps loss, only stuttering. The laptop is new, what could be broken? It also has a ssd. Or could that be stuttering in the heat? It is currently 32-38 degrees in space.

what do you think, could it be in the heat or could the laptop be broken?


It could be due to the heat. My laptop has always had problems when it got too hot. There are also programs with which you can check how hot your laptop is playing. Maybe this helps.

Otherwise, make sure that all drivers are up to date


Can also be due to the heat, especially if your device is not sufficiently cooled.

However, it is recommended to play more of a PC, which bring more power.

By the way: Is your laptop suitable for playing?


Yes my laptop is reasonably suitable for gaming, but it is not a gaming laptop. And yes, pc s are better for games


Not only because of the power but also because of the cooling. A normal laptop is therefore not suitable for resource-eating games.


I noticed that on my new laptop, the cooling shaft (or, as the name says, where the air comes out) is very small, on my old laptop it was bigger. Could it be because of that?


Absolutely. Heat build-up can be a problem in a laptop.


Ok thanks, i just do not want my laptop broken, hopefully it's the heat


Try to stay in a cooler room and try it again. Then look if the problems still exist.


Thanks, I had the idea but there are no cool rooms.


In the long term, the heat breaks the laptop. This faltering could be a first indication. You should get yourself a program that monitors the temperature and let's see if the values for your system are still healthy.


So with me it is so in the southern half of the house, where the sun is shining, it is very warm. North, where it is shady, quite cool!


I always thought, if the heat is so problematic high, the laptop turns off by itself… So it was with my old laptop, when the fan had dusty, because the laptop had always turned off after half an hour by itself. Is this "safety switch" not integrated in all laptops?


This happens in the critical area but also to have the temperatures permanently just below it is not an advantage.