Laptop games begin to stutter after about 10 minutes of play time?

- in Gaming

The laptop is new, I have no fps loss, after about 10 minutes of play time the games begin to stutter, the longer I play without closing the game, the stuttering intervals are shortened. That's the same with all games and only a few days before, everything was very fluid. It is not the heat and the graphics drivers are updated (I clicked update in the device manager on drivers, but these are not the latest intel drivers, since the latest intel drivers can't install, after completion of the installation, I will prompt the laptop again start but the drivers are not installed, so I use the drivers windows gives me). Please help me i do not want my laptop broken i want to play cool games that was a present i've always wanted a gaming laptop please help me what could be the stuttering except driver and heat and how can i fix it? Incidentally, ne ssd with only 200 gb free of 500


Sounds weird, in your place I would request an electrician, or ask where the bought and go to the store and describe the problem.


I suspect Windows has a quirk, but only new installation as a solution would know. If previously an update was possibly a system backup load.