Windows Vista - Windows 10?


I had Windows Vista on my laptop and downloaded Windows 10 a while ago.

Now my question, was Vista deleted from my laptop afterwards or is it still in the background on my laptop. If so, can I delete it from my laptop in any way?


What did you do exactly? Only loading or copying Windows 10 to the disk does not delete any data.

Only you can answer that.


If you have properly installed Windows 10, Windows Vista will not run in the background.


It may still be there if a dual boot has been set up.


I mean I copied Windows 10 to keep all the data


Then at least some of the data from WindowsVista is still available. If you boot Windows 10, then of course they will not be executed.


You may find a folder on your computer called "Windows.alt". If you delete it, your old version is completely gone.