5 hard disks - no more order in the system?


I have 5 external hard drives. At that time it was the idea to save files of mine, which are important on 2-3 hard disks. If it sounds a bit.
Now there are 5 hard drives and 3 SD cards.
Does anyone have any idea how to sort it so that I can save 2x all files on just 2 hard drives?
So that I a) have the laptop free, b) 2x have a backup (hard disks) and c) The other hard drives are empty again?


Basically it is so that the system should run on one hard drive (preferably SSD) and other data on other hard drives. Make yourself a hard drive B to save data and external as a copy of the data. You should not need more.


Backup do you know but? But yes, it is true. The best way to decouple data and system


You should not need more.

Well, you should actually have at least three copies of the data and store one of them externally


I would use the two largest external hard drives as a backup, and then you save your backups of all other devices always on these two external.


Your information is not really exhaustive. Nevertheless:

My system disk has 1TB. Two external, 1TB and 500GB, keep on running, for various memory tasks. In addition, I have an external 2TB, but only infected for backup / restore…


Great idea. I'll pick the two biggest outsiders and save everything on it.


Okay, understood. I have to look how much disk space which external hard drive has to store everything in the best possible way. So that in the end I have the two biggest ones on which everything is stored.


OK thanks.
Is there a possibility that if I copy all the files, they are recognized by the system, if you already exist & not that I have duplicate files then on a hard drive?


And importantly, do NOT keep these locking plates running at all times, but keep them cool, dry and safe…