Will the robot vacuum endanger my hard drives?


I have a robot hoover at home that vacuums my apartment by itself. It drives along the ground, and it has electric motors and thus also generates a magnetic field.

If it hits my desk while vacuuming, on which my laptop is standing, which has HDD hard drives, and hits my cabinet in which my HDD hard drives are, does it endanger my data? Could this erase my data?

Since HDD hard disks should not be exposed to impacts as they contain rotating disks.

Can I leave my laptop on my desk and my HDD hard drives in my closet when the robot hoover is vacuuming my apartment? Or should I move these items somewhere else in time?


No. Since the desk is probably three feet high, even a super magnet would not endanger the data.

Such motors probably not even from 5cm away. You need something much stronger like a large loudspeaker. If you're worried about this, you should also do cloud backups. Your data can disappear much more easily otherwise, all of them. Even if a magnet came in close proximity to the hard drives, most likely not all of the data would be gone.


Mine has already pulled the cord from the PC and didn't notice that something had happened.


@ Test1ccount123

Do you think that loud sound and sound waves can cause a loudspeaker to erase data on a hard drive? And second question: Could data on the HDDs disappear due to the bumps of the vacuum robot?


If the hard drives are on, data can disappear. Unless they are off, it is unlikely that the reading head should be in a safe park position.

Both unlikely with small bumps.

The reason large speakers destroy hard drives is because they often have large magnets. Nothing compared to a vacuum robot.

Have you even backed up your data in a cloud if it is important?


@ Test1ccount123

Thank you very much.

No, I have not yet backed up my data in a cloud.

I don't know how to do that either, since I calculated that, given the amount of data and my internet speed, it would take me 7.5 months to upload all of my data.


Ah okay. Unfortunately this is the case in 99% of the cases. I have 1000 / 500k, unfortunately these speeds are only available via fiber optics. But you should at least have a backup somewhere else (preferably in a different country / continent), since a natural disaster or a house fire can occur, for example. Yes, it works without the cloud. Is then of course more difficult.


@ Test1ccount123

Can sound itself also delete data, such as very loud music? Since sound triggers vibrations and these are not good for HDDs.


Would be possible, but very difficult.
