Audio / microphone not working windows 10?


For a long time I have noticed that I have a "bug" regarding my audio / microphone. It was the first time I noticed when I was playing on my laptop that I was in the "voice chat" (team language channel) where I could talk to my team, I couldn't hear my team… But the thing is that they heard me. With my online tutoring it's the other way around… I can't connect my microphone but I hear my teacher. Therefore I ask for help and I hope someone can help me. For information: I used cellphone headphones and I reinstalled my audio driver and reinstalled my last windows updates.


As the name suggests, your "cellphone headphones" are for the cellphone and not for the PC.


Well these are the Samsung headphones with the same aux cable and they always worked and now that's just a bit strange because it works on this program and not on the other. Stop that there are always different problems with different programs.