What do students do when they don't have internet?


Because, for example, the parents have no contract, Wi-Fi or laptop to let their children take part in the lessons online. Quite apart from the fact that digital is still not introduced in schools. No problem for the teachers, are the students experiencing the disadvantages?


Most schools have laptops to borrow. If there's no contract, this is of no use!

Otherwise, teachers must deposit the materials in the office for collection and students or their parents must collect them.


In theory there's still the usual post.

In theory, the federal government donated € 500 million to schools to purchase tablets for students.

Otherwise it is important to have spoken well about it.


In my eyes, some things just don't go together!

The Hartz IV sentence does not provide a computer for families, let alone an Internet connection with running fixed costs.

With their online lessons, however, the schools naturally assume that everyone has something.


They do what millions of children did before the Internet

Go out, play with friends
read a book
play soccer
to be with real people
really dirty
Collect cockchafer


Message transmission (as it is called in technical German) is included in the set at 36.56 euro, so every H4 recipient gets this money.


Unfortunately, this is not quite true, because Hartz 4 recipients get (unfortunately) 150 euro to buy a computer (waste of money).


You're right! I didn't know it before.

Quite apart from that, it has now become known that around a third of the students are currently taking online classes with their smartphones because nothing else is available.

Many schools have not even installed a Wi-Fi network and many dedicated teachers work with their own equipment or from home. It can't be that! I thought the times of chalk and copier were slowly coming to an end.


Great! What do you get for 150 euro on computers? Maybe a small tablet or what?


Stone Age in Corona times!


A used PC or a Raspberry PI for example.


Every school has at least one computer cabinet, but unfortunately mostly only a few people who know how to use it, most teachers are not the youngest and (as in my case) almost overwhelmed by scanning 2 worksheets every week and putting them online.

There are many unused opportunities in many schools, Internet and online teaching is just one of them.


A tablet is enough, the main thing is that the tasks can be received and read, the device does not have to do more.


In the Hartz IV sentence… Let alone an internet connection with running fixed costs is provided.

In the rule set of an adult:


Message transmission… 38.62 euro / leisure activities… 41.43 euro


additionally for a 6 - 14 year old student… Nü 14.88 euro / Fg 43.92 euro

by the way, my internet connection costs 19.99 euro per month


Great! Mine only 21 euro. But I keep getting requests to upgrade to a faster connection. For one, an outrageous call from such a high-pressure seller. But first I folded it! I'm just waiting for guys like that.


Either money should be made available for internet connections and for PCs for poor children, or nothing should happen and the school should only start normally in autumn.