How do you pretend a website to have Windows as the operating system?


Tach together,

My problem is this: I'm just on vacation and wanted to install an app for my Sony A6300 camera, which is chargeable.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to install apps directly via the camera (I do not know why).

So I'm forced to install the app on the PC with the website Installation on this website is only possible with Windos (7, 8.1, 10) and Mac. Since I'm on vacation I only have the laptop on the Ubuntu (version 19.04) is running. Now, of course, I'm told that it is not compatible with my operating system. So my question now is whether you can outsmart the website by telling her that the computer is running Windows. Is that possible? Or maybe there's even another (better) solution?


User agent switcher


Thank you! Although you have my question answered, but not solved my problem. I need to download a "Downloader" and go to

Yes, an MSI file that I can only open with Wine. I think I have to give up hope and wait until I get back to my Windows machine.


No, this is just a plugin for the browser


because he uses the user agent switcher too


Yes, I already understood that. After all, I came to the plugin with the help of this. However, I can't continue at this point, because I can't install this plugin.


Ah okay