Household insurance is liable for company property?


I poured beer over my wife's laptop. The laptop belongs to her company. Of course, if it were more private, our liability insurance would not apply, as it covers only the damage we inflict on others. But since the laptop belongs to the company, it should actually be a case for the insurance, right? Am I seeing this wrong?


The laptop belongs to her company.

And this proof is also to lead - speak the employer of your woman will also call the device number / bill can show.

Possibly. Could the story be a little more difficult if your wife is self-employed and works in your home.


That's exactly the case, my wife works from home. What would that change in the facts?


My wife works from home.

That would not be the real problem. Once again: is she employed or self-employed?




After your wife is also insured by this private liability insurance, I dare to doubt that this insurance also covers a loss of the company assets of your wife. But… Questions do not cost anything. And with good luck, the laptop will run after complete dehydration again.


Insurance does not come! For borrowed things