Are 80dB screaming and music from the laptop speaker the same volume?


If I'm 1 meter away from a dB measuring device, shouting around and it is 80dB and then playing music from my laptop speakers and it is also 80dB, would my shouting and the music from my laptop be equally loud to a person in the next room? It seems to me that the tones from my laptop speaker are actually louder than the human voice and the dB measuring device has problems to capture the tones, so it shows the same value as the human voice. Is that correct?

Are 80dB screaming and music from the laptop speaker the same volume

The measuring device doesn't care at all and is nroamler wise properly calibrated. 80 dB is therefore 80 dB, regardless of whether it is voice, music or the sound of the sea.

Don't forget that certain pitches are more uncomfortable for the ear than others, even at the same volume. But when it comes to noise pollution in a neighborhood dispute, it is always about the decibels and not about the perceived share.