One note notes to PDF export very fuzzy?


I use a laptop for my studies and write sketches and now also important work in one note. So far I could always export them as a PDF to hand them over online, but now the quality of some pages is very blurred. Why is that and how do I get everything in focus?


Yes, I had this problem too. OneNote is a notebook program, not a writing program to export. Conclusion: You get a very strange format as soon as you export it. It is best to use LibreOffice, Page (Mac), Word or OpenOffice. How to get simple exports to PDF.


The Microsoft Print to pdf function has always worked so far. And I don't use it as a "writing program" but as a "notebook" in which I can record equations etc. That works with word etc. Not nearly


Yes, you could say that straight away. I don't know which generation you are using, but have a look under "advanced settings"!