I'm only on my cell phone, laptop, PC, etc! What should I do?


I'm a high school teacher in North Rhine-Westphalia and teach German, history and biology. We can look at our cell phone during longer work phases of the students, tests, class work and breaks, for work phases only teaching.

So today 1st hour of German work 5th class ballads. I can also be a teacher while working on Facebook, but I was in front of it all the time. The students don't care, they don't know that I'm on Facebook am while they are writing the work.

Then 2nd hour of free time in the staff room. While I'm drinking my fruit tea, I'm on YouTube and watch my "watch later" playlist. Then I'm not online for a break there.

3rd hour of history 8th grade, so I just couldn't look at my cell phone.

We're only allowed to watch YouTube privately in the teacher's room. When I looked at the YT for 20 minutes with headphones, I sat in the teacher's room and had to correct a few class assignments.

Pause, I was under supervision.

5th and 6th free time. Again Facebook.

7th hour work phase history 6th grade. I go to the toilet on YouTube for 10 minutes while my students watch a film about ancient Egypt.

Now 8th hour of free time. Another hour of biology in 9th class. I'm not allowed to leave my cell phone in an emergency locker. What should I do?


What exactly is the question now? I'm just reading out that you're probably every free or not free minute on the phone, sure that you've chosen the right job?


Have to say that I honestly don't quite understand your question. You state that you are on Facebook, Youtube & Co. At any time and that you are starting to get annoyed too.

So why not just put your cell phone aside and do other tasks? Reading a newspaper would also be an option. Or you can update your documents for the next few hours.


Incidentally, I'm always the one who defends teachers when overzealous parents complain. A teacher can't be everywhere and is not a superhuman. But if I read that, I wouldn't be surprised if it says "where was the teacher when my child was bullied during class?" and then I have to agree with the parents.


So: Just like that, but if you teach German, then you should know that you leave a space after the comma.

Just concentrate on the lessons, walk around in the work phase, see if you can help in any way, or ask questions.

You can use your cell phone at home all day.


How about reading a book or reading a magazine?

Then you would also be a good role model that you should not always hang out in front of the small mobile display.
Such a book can be very exciting, so you may even be looking forward to reading it. And it promotes your own creativity and imagination, because you can imagine the world and people described.

I assume that this "free time during working hours" goes hand in hand with the job.

You could also control any other trial work during this free time; something you would otherwise have to do at home. Quasi doing the homework of the teacher at school.

But if the children are allowed to watch a film about Egypt, it would be a good idea & variety to watch the film.
If it's the same film as I did back then (school time 1988-1997), it was pretty exciting as far as I remember.


Just force yourself to do one day without digital media (Except for teaching material) … Then you see how advanced the addiction is. Many people feel the same way these days. Concentrate on your work and distract yourself with social interactions in free hours. At home you can still do what you want, if you are not too stupid to waste your precious time with Facebook and co…


Oh in a hurry I forgot to go quickly