Headphones and mic at the same time?


I've recently got a laptop, mic and new headphones getting handsets how can I connect the microphone and headphones to the laptop at the same time? I've heard it works with an audio interface but is there another way?


Basically that works, but it depends on which connections the devices have (jack, USB, etc.) and which are available on the laptop. The laptop has no technical problem with it.


With e.g. Steinberg UR22mkll you can connect via USB your microphone with the laptop and connect with a 6.35mm to 3.5mm jack adapter and your headphones directly to it.

The headphone output s.Laptops is usually very bad in terms of audio quality, especially with the expensive microphone you have.


What is it for a microphone? If it's a big diaphragm or condenser microphone and not a dynamic one, then you need phantom power and it's NOT just like that.

You can connect the headphones like this.

However, if you want to sing about it to a music or a beat, you have a problem. That's called latency. This is the processing time of the audio signals. This is very high in normal sound cards. Can be 1 second.

That means for you in the practical case, you hear the music, sing or rappst and your singing is recorded strongly time-delayed.

In the worst case, you already hear the time shift while recording!