Is there a way to glue that back on?


The heat of the device has taken the part off Is there a way or way to glue it on again without damaging the laptop?

Is there a way to glue that back on

It's the school's laptop and I don't want any problems with the school management.


Please ask your teacher.

She can tell you if it can't quite go away. This label has no function whatsoever, except as a note for the previous buyer.


I'm afraid to ask, afraid if I'll get in trouble then.


No, don't worry, don't get in trouble.

It is a completely normal process that labels come off when exposed to heat. You're not the first to see this happen. Either they'll glue it back on - which would be nonsensical and I don't think so - or remove it. It has no meaning or provides a knowledge base for use.

I wouldn't do any manipulation.


Okey, thank you


Exactly this label is as unimportant as anything. If it bothers you, take it away. Nobody says anything.