Will the WhatsApp contacts stay with a new iPhone?


So I'm just setting up my new Iphone 11, and now I want to download WhatsApp there too. I have already saved all of the chat histories on my laptop and emptied them. But now I'm afraid that my contacts will be gone on the new iPhone… My phone number remains the same, I just swap the SIM card and install WhatsApp.

Do the WhatsApp contacts remain, or do I have to back them up? And if I have to secure it, then how?


The contacts are mostly stored on your iPhone. This means that they are usually also saved in the iCloud. As soon as you sign in to your new iPhone with your Apple ID, these should be transferred.


Thank you in advance for the answer! However, the contacts on my new iPhone are empty, even though I have this green switch for Contacts on in the iCloud…


The setting must be activated on both iPhones. Then you can create a current iCloud backup on the "old" iPhone and then look again in the contact app and update it.