Odys Winpad V10 battery broken?


As you can see in the question, the battery of my Odys Winpad V10 does not charge anymore.

There's no red light when plugging in and nothing else happens.

Apart from that "beeps" the charging cable when you connect it, as it would pump something or similar.

I had not used the tablet for about 1 week and when I plugged it in, nothing was shining either, but when I plugged in the plug again, the light shone and the battery had also charged.

However, I would then be pointed directly to a reboot, which I should do to make the software update. Said done and then the light did not shine anymore (as far as I had noticed), however, the battery was stable despite use at 7%

Therefore, I conclude that it is more likely to be a software error.

Should I reset the laptop or could it be that the cable is defective?


Have here next to me also a Winpad 10 of Odys, I know from experience that the things are done badly. With my he does not load because the cable does not lock properly, if I push it up or side, he loads at once.

I suspect you have the same problem