Can the employer guard the laptops?


Got laptops from the employer that we can use privately but also for learning because we're doing an apprenticeship. Can Deutsche Bahn guard it? Is that right?


If you are also allowed to use it privately, then you are not allowed to.


Legally no.

Unless he would draw your attention to it…

Some seem to be secretly doing it anyway.


This is allowed to a certain extent, e.g. Does IT get a warning if you open websites with absolutely prohibited content.


Monitoring of the work computer, which is also made available for private use, is excluded.

Furthermore, the monitoring of work computers, which may only be used for operational purposes, is not permitted. However, if there's a specific suspicion, an examination of the PC and the Internet history is permitted.


The question is not about surveillance, but about guarding. If something is mine, I also guard my property. Apparently, Deutsche Bahn sends a security man home to every Honk. Reading the questioner's comments, that's a good thing too.


The device remains the property of the employer.
Basically it is the same as a device that you use within the administration. As a result, you have to check whether there's an agreement on the use of IT and the Internet in your company.
Depending on how the device is connected, it is possible that your traffic (even though you are in the home office) still runs over the company network. So if you call up "dirty pages", it will leave traces and that will inevitably lead to consequences for them.

To get back to the heart of the question, this is about monitoring the device. As a rule, there's talk of logging the work. The client may not install a webcam in a corner or monitor your desktop permanently. But he can access your desktop via tools, or watch only if you can see that he is doing it. With Teamviewer, for example, a window opens like a flag at the bottom right.

The second variant is the evaluation of log files, which inevitably arise from surfing or in the network.
As far as I know, the client may only view these logs if there's a legitimate interest and usually only in the presence of the works council.




The boss will control it less. It is the first to notice in the proxies that "such" domains are called and IT will notify it "upwards". This then gets the stone rolling…


But the Deutsche Bahn? They all have old laptops and they don't even know spwas like IT


If you make this claim, you are NOT employed by DB!