Are laptops checked by the employer?


If the employer provides laptops for the home.

are they monitored?


Is in the guidelines for IT and telephone use if you get such a device.


Rather not. Do not think that it is bringing viruses into the back door, but to be on the safe side, you shouldn't make any big purchases on the dark net with it.


From a legal point of view, the employer is not allowed to monitor your emails, even if you receive the device from the company.


Depends on the company. As a rule, there will be no "real" monitoring that they can read your passwords. But depending on the IT infrastructure, they may get an alarm or have a block when you go to certain websites (at least when you are connected to the company network).

In addition, it depends on the employer, whether he allows you to use the device privately or for small things, whether you are allowed or should something like this (although in my opinion that is a relative thing, depending on how much you use it).


As far as I have informed myself, an employer should theoretically look into a mailbox, provided that it is only allowed to be used for work (although this was more likely to be related to illness or dismissal), as soon as the mailbox can also be used privately that looks different again.


It depends on why you access it… So basically it is not allowed…


Deutsche Bahn what do you think it's like?



I can already imagine that there's at least a lock on certain pages, which means that they can't be accessed.