How to store (laptop) batteries until disposal?


Hi, I have 3 laptop batteries that I would have to store somehow, until I can deliver them in the trade or at the recycling center.

I have the contacts on the batteries with Tesa-film-glued off, but I do not know now if I can just "lying around on the shelf" or if I should store them differently.

Or would it be better to do it (without a tesafilm of course) back to the corresponding laptops? (The laptops are old devices that still work reasonably but are no longer used).

I have to mention a few more information about the batteries:

- On average, the batteries are 10 years or slightly younger.

-1 Battery had always been on the laptop the display "Critical status of the battery" had, unfortunately, not whether this was only on the sinking performance of the battery was more or meant meant. This battery is no longer synonymous with power cord connection Power cord, the laptop goes off immediately).

- I live in an attic apartment in the summer it can sometimes get almost 40 degrees.

In winter, the temperature also drops below 10 degrees in the apartment (when the heating is off.)


40 ° is ok. If you're unsure, lump him