Car disconnected from the electricity as soon as key?


I have a Peugeot 207 with now almost 200,000km. He stood a few months (about 4) because he was not needed and now he is causing electronics problems. For him, it has repeatedly blown the ignition coils, which was repaired every time. Apparently this was related to the battery, which has given off a fluctuating voltage.

The battery is now replaced, but still the car is as soon as it is short again away from the current aka. Zentralveriegelung is not, time sat down to 0, etc. We're now at a loss what it can be.

We've had a marten in the garage for years, but this one has never done anything on the cars or motorcycles, so I do not think that's it (two cars were in the garage and he was in front of the garage).

Do you have any idea what it can be? Battery is new and the fuses are all good. The fault memory was deleted as it had repeatedly indicated "exhaust system defective" due to the fluctuating battery. But the error with the clock or battery remains.

So I would have considered whether there might be a spare circuit in which something can be rusted or disconnected? So a circuit on the shelled is as soon as the engine is off and the car, which is still the Zentralveriegelung on the key, etc. Or is there an extra battery like on laptops? Phew of electronics, I have little idea, but the workshop have found nothing yet. Just keep speculating on a blown fuse.

Have you experienced ideas or something like that yourself?


How about once to check the charge controller of the alternator?

There are blocking diodes in it… If they are down, the current flows…