How do I convince my friends to stop using Skype?


I hate Skype, a lot. The video quality is terrible, my laptop is not the best and is therefore lagging if I can start Skype at all. My friends still don't want to switch to Discord. Although I have suggested it to them several times, we actually used it for a while and everything went well, much better than on Skype at least. I've stressed everything I've just said several times, but they still want to skype.

Are there any good arguments why you should finally leave Skype behind and develop technically?

Maybe arguments why Discord is a good alternative? And are there any other free voice / video chat applications besides Skype and Discord that may be even better?


Then don't use Skype

if they want to call you, they will be able to switch

convincing does not work - what should technical arguments bring?


Well, I don't know if technical arguments (still) work, but I can still try again. Sending you a point-by-point list and seeing what they say is better than waiting longer to make the calls without me because my PC almost dies each time: /


XD no, a point by point list is not convincing


At least it is more convincing than the thirtieth "can you please use discord?" without any background details.


Background data: "It's better than waiting too long to make the calls without me because my PC almost dies each time: /"


So for the mobile phone, houseparty is still quite good and if you are few, whatsapp video chat is also quite okay