What should I do (WG Struggle)?


I've been living with a REAL friend for a few months now. This said today to me that she does not feel comfortable in the apartment when my friend is there. Because he does not say "hello" and not "goodbye". My friend is only in my room and only goes to the bathroom when she is not in the hall. He does not even take a shower with me when he sleeps with me. He always drives home. Today, she said to me, if he does not want a conversation (Although an attempt has been made to lead a conversation but she refused in which she had almost pelted him with something) then she wants a cancellation agreement (Both main tenants). Then I should move out. Is that too covered? I think so. He is so rare and he just can't stand her at all because she's been breaking me so much lately and he did not get any thanks from her when he went shopping with his car for us. Her statement here was, "Why should I say thank you, I did not mean that he drives by car." I do not know what to say to her she is so outrageous. Today I worked in the living room to send out my first registered letter for my studies. So I went with Lappy and leaves and energy in the living room. After a few hours everything is done. I could only spread out on the couch because all her stuff was lying on the table. Cup as well as lappy etc. I took my laptop away, only the can stood there. She put it to my door. I'm not allowed to leave my stuff anymore. Your stuff lies there days around and mine may seem to no longer stand there. And she assumes that my things are lying around there which is not true. I do not know what to do!


What's that horror lady? Since I would like to move out voluntarily, as soon as the possibility exists.


As you can read now I'm a student, finding an apartment will be so difficult. I can't live with my friend who lives with his mother.


If it is difficult to come to a common denominator with you, you could involve another person to settle this dispute. This could be another friend or someone from your or your family…


That does not work. She also makes no compromises.


Treat her with special affection that could soften her heart.

Here is a fitting quote from Buddha: Hate is not defeated by hatred, but by love.

All the best.


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