Original headphones broken in the ear?


So I just had my Samsung headphones on.

These ones:

Original headphones broken in the ear

and I connected it to my laptop (whatever I do otherwise). When I had it in my ear, it suddenly felt like an electric shock and I immediately pulled it out. Sparks came out and it smoked a bit.

The headphones are original from my J6. What should I do now? My ear just burns a little but you can't see anything. Should I write to Samsung?


What should Samsung do now? They are broken and you will have to buy new ones. 🤔


Yes, it's best to send an email to Samsung, because something like that shouldn't normally happen.


Yes why give me the broken headphones. And what if they exploded in my ear


I don't think they'll explode…


Writing to Samsung doesn't do anything. You made a mistake, not Samsung. As long as you use headphones normally, they can neither smoke nor create visible sparks. So either you put it in a 230V socket, your laptop has an extremely dangerous damage that shouldn't be physically possible or you are exaggerating a little.

In any case, what you are describing is practically impossible. In any case, Samsung has nothing to do with it.


They can't explode… There are extremely fine coils in them, as soon as a little too much current flows through, they burn out. Since it is so little copper, you usually don't even notice it. Often it doesn't even smell burned. Because it is a few mg.


The electric shock you got was due to the grounding of the laptop or from you. This can occasionally happen when the air is dry and you yourself are static charged by rubbing against furniture or clothing.

From now on, plug the headphones into the laptop and then into the ears. You hardly notice such discharges on your hands, but you do notice them in your ear.


Very funny.