Return Policy In-ear headphones?


Since the customer service of Mediamarkt is currently closed (at least that's how it is explained to me) I ask the question to you:

I have the Bose Soundsport headphones. Those who do not want to research, in ear headphones, so you can't return after the purchase (legally, because it is a hygiene product or something).

I have sent it in for the second time because of problems once again (I have had it for 1 1/3 years, with a warranty period of 7.5 months left).

In my experience, I can decide before the third ironing end, whether I get the money back or whether the headphones are repaired. At least that was the case with a laptop and a mouse…

What about such a product? Can I reclaim the money (in the form of a voucher, of course, Bar does not pay for it, Media Market anyway) if they are broken again?

Based on several contributions and sources of information, I could conclude that I'm legally secured to get my money back. But what about such a kind of article?

(In ear headphones, are pegs that are pushed into his ears, and can just play music, so for hygienic reasons, they can't be returned in the reclaimed return period of 2 weeks after purchase.)


Submit * not iron ends (auto correction -.-)


After the second time you try to fix it, you can withdraw from the purchase contract and get your money back. Whether it's toiletries or not does not matter because they can no longer sell broken headphones anyway


Many Thanks