Strange things happen (laptop and music video come on by themselves) what is it?


So. Help people, what I'm telling you now is NOT made up! And I swear it. I should die if I lie!

and what happened to me can't be explained easily.

I was earlier on my laptop and watched some videos. Since 10:30 p.m. I went to bed to watch videos on my cell phone, so i read my laptop quietly. My laptop went off an hour ago because a laptop slowly turns itself off when not in use.

so now it comes: just halfway through st but i suddenly heard some music. When I turned to the laptop I saw that my laptop was on and that music was playing. So in the case of Justin Bieber lovely - but that doesn't matter either way.

In any case, that must mean that my laptop came on for no reason and went to yt and a video was made by itself. But this is completely inexplicable and impossible

well then i went to the laptop and deleted all taps and went back to bed. Just half a minute later my laptop went off again. The strange thing is that my laptop takes longer and longer to shut down. Without joke, I'm glad with fear.

I don't know how that is possible? There's no explanation. This has never happened to me before.

I didn't do any rituals or any challenges. I only watched horror film but that doesn't matter one way or another

and honestly i don't lie I swear by everything. If I lie, I shall die! And I mean it…

can you explain that to yourself? Degree it is still out (luckily) please help me


What about the antivirus protection on your laptop? Have you been hacked?


Could come from God. Maybe the song should tell you something. Has happened to me before. Next time pay attention to the text ;-)


As I said it was about the song "lonely von justin" so lonely


There's no virus, so it is inexplicable


If you haven't done any rituals or anything like that, then it can't be anything supernatural


You should take a close look at which mode your laptop goes into when you leave it standing around. Laptops (with a fixed power supply) usually only go into standby mode after a certain time. It is then not off, the RAM is still active.

If your keyboard or mouse sends a short signal, your device simply turns on again. With all programs, tabs that you have on… Or, whatever my Windows does if I shut down the PC but had the browser open, it automatically restarts the browser because Windows thinks that's what I want.

… Well, and Youtube with browser autoplay is the reason why Justin Bieber is running then. Scary, but that's a different topic.

And yes, my PC has ghostly "waking up" from standby mode too. As long as I allow my keyboard to wake up the PC from energy saving mode, my PC always starts up again when I switch it to the mode. Is a bug. I had to revoke the right to be able to do this in the device manager of the keyboard in the properties.

Strange things happen laptop and music video come on by themselves what is it

You should remove this setting for the keyboard, mouse, touchpad and network card. Then your laptop should only turn on (or wake up) when you press the power button.


Well maybe somebody died in our house at that time although I don't know. I've done so many rituals and often things have fallen on the floor for no reason, neither the window nor anything else was open. Maybe that's revenge, otherwise I can't explain it to myself. And I swear to god I'm serious


Okay, tell me what rituals you've done in this house


Charlie charlie 10x, bloody mary approx 15x and kp as the other is called. Well somehow stupid that I play with something like that


Yes, well, if you don't banish after your rituals and don't do any "cleansing" either, then of course it can also be because the effect does not always occur during the ritual


Nope i just did it and went up to my room. Do I need a priest now? I'll see how the next few days will run


A priest can't help you anyway. If you want to do something, smoke sage, incense and dragon's blood resin or do the little banishing pentagram ritual (you can find it on the internet)


Well that with yt: you come to the start page. And even if you have the browser autoplay, you can't just write it down in the yt search bar justin biber lovely and watch the music video. It does not work. And just by the way, I don't have that


How do you know for sure that your PC is virus-free?

Microsoft is known as a target for hacker attacks…

Why do you at least not turn off Internet access / router?


He shouldn't put it in the search bar, I'll agree with you… But yes, call it up yourself.

If your laptop just opened your last browser session like my Windows, and that was Youtube with some song that played via autoplay because the refresh action was triggered by opening the browser, then Youtube likes to select the next video on its own at the end of the current video. And if the YouTube algorithm thinks that you would like to hear Justin Biber now, then that's what happened ^. ^

And yes, YouTube also remembers the state where you stopped / paused the video. So when that was near the end anyway, Youtube's shuffle algorithm quickly came into play. You should then be able to jump to your video without any problems using the back function, if that was the case.

Are you sure that the search term for Just in Biber was in the search bar from Youtube?