Does 1080p look that bad on a 1440p?


So I get ne gtx 970 from someone for free.

Because I want to assemble a PC and gpus are not in stock at all or just very overextended. Depending on the location, I want to buy an rx 5700xt rtx 3060 or 3070 later.

The 1440p will do it anyway without any problems.

But the 970 can't do that except maybe everything on low.

So I wanted to ask if I put it down, does it look as bad as some mine?

So right now I have a laptop with a resolution worse than 1080p.


1080p on a 1440p screen doesn't look good. I speak from experience. I have a 1440p screen and when I set 1080p it looks awful. Hope I could help.

Stay healthy!


Ok thanks but not for 2 months or so clear?

Until the 3070 is in stock and does not cost 400 euro more?


Yes, good for 2 months… How often are you on the pc during the day?


Well Depends on. But probably gambling a few hours a week for sure. So Saturday Sunday.


The FE costs 520 euro, good models 699 euro, the 3070 will never go below 400 euro


Stop just for pure gaming right now because of home office I'm at the PC almost every second day. But it doesn't matter with Office.


Send me a link where the FE is in stock for 520 euro and I'll buy it directly.


520 euro msrp when available


Yes. But that's the problem, it's nowhere available unless you're paying more than it's worth.


I also got up at 6am and bought nh suprim for 715 euro, msrp is 699 euro, so just be patient


Ok yes geldud I've had enough anyway because I've wanted a PC for a long time. Now I've got a good deal for a couple of components. And still get the gtx 970. And used it like that at the beginning. Until I have a better GPU.


I think you can take the breakup for two months.


So on my WQHD 144 Hz monitor from aoc with TN panel, Full HD doesn't look much worse, I have a 1080 in it

If you get a new graphics card anyway, get the corresponding monitor now


Ok i will do it. I actually planned to. Because upgrading the monitor afterwards would be stupid and I also found a good deal.