Screen 1440p play 1080p?


I bought a 1440p 144hz monitor. The plan for a PC that meets this requirement. However, it is difficult to build a PC because of the graphics cards. I'm still waiting. Currently playing on a laptop with an Nvidia GT 1050Ti. Will I have black bars when playing on the screen in 1080p? I don't know if my graphics card delivers good FPS in 1440p


No, you get black bars in many games if the aspect ratio is incorrect.


OK. How exactly do you mean your answer? Do you mean no because I don't get any black bars when I set 1080p for a 1440p screen?




OK. How does it work? Because with many screens that were on the laptop, I already had that when I scaled down I got a black border 😅 Another question on a different topic, you know whether you can return a product to Amazon if you can't get a product after the first short operation like?


No, no black bars as long as the aspect ratio is set correctly. Are both 16: 9 resolutions


OK. Luckily, because the monitor is actually intended for a PC with an RTX 3070. However, I put the PC purchase / PC construction project on hold for the time being due to the price of graphics cards. Play for as long as 1080p on a laptop with a 1050Ti connected to the 144hz 1440p screen. I can easily set the resolution of the desktop to 1440p 144hz even with a 1050ti. But how can it be that I don't get any black bars when I set 1920x1080 in the game, I think I've had that several times


In the Nvidia control panel you can set what the graphics card should do.

So scale with or without maintaining the aspect ratio, or possibly completely without scaling (=> "black bars").

With normal scaling and the correct aspect ratio, the FullHD image is screwed up to the entire monitor surface. If the aspect ratio is incompatible (e.g. 1280x1024), "black bars" will appear at least on the sides.

But unfortunately you won't have any pleasure with the GTX 1050ti (4GB) at WQHD.

This graphics card is already at its maximum load limit when gaming in FullHD.

But you will also be able to "master" 2D games and normal "desktop" work with WQHD. But the FPS will collapse massively in 3D games.

Perhaps this will help you further to assess the problem:

However, the results are only to be viewed as a possible trend.

My very old system also has a GTX 1050ti. But I work and play with 1680x1050 (16:10). That does the FPS very well.

Perhaps you should also choose a lower 16: 9 resolution than FullHD within games. Scaling is always suboptimal, so you can try something like that.


Many Thanks. I probably had a mistake in thinking the black bars are omitted because 1920x1080 and 2560x1440 have the same aspect ratio. I have 120 in most games at around 180-220 FPS depending on the scene. That's fun anyway, I usually blocked it at 60-140 so that it doesn't go any further. A friend bought a laptop with a 3060 - she was lucky. I don't buy a new laptop because I stick with my gtx 1050ti, the next thing is a real tower. The 1440p screen has already been bought for the PC with an RTX 3070 unfortunately you don't get it right now and I want to build it myself and not a finished PC as long as I connect my laptop and play 1080p on the screen but have one and have to Don't buy a new one later or a better one. I thank you for your detailed answer. Sorry mine has gotten a bit long


Your long answer doesn't bother you at all. Only the missing paragraphs make it difficult to read this block of text on the monitor.

What kind of games do you play that you can achieve such FPS with FullHD?

Or did you mean your possibly lower monitor resolution on the laptop?

I myself currently have a C2Q (mod.Xeon E5450 4x3GHz ~ = C2Q Q9650) coupled with the GTX 1050ti.

I'm planning a R7-5800x with (later) an RTX 3070. But for now I would also transplant my GTX 1050ti there. Then the stored GTX 750ti (2GB) comes back into the C2Q. And both systems are then connected to my old 22 "(DVI + VGA).


I'm playing Valorant right now and Overwatch is a bit optimized I think