Learning in the exam phase is too much for me?


I'm studying teaching and my exams are coming up. So I sit in front of the laptop and learn, stop, it gets too much for me. You know, well, most probably. In any case, I feel during the exams always a bit limited, because you just stop not all lectures visited and stays at home. Is that the same with you? You prefer to skip the last lectures and learn from morning to night? Or am I exaggerating with that and should I also prefer to distract myself?


Teaching has to do with having a clue about the matter, but also to ensure a spontaneity for the students and themselves, to learn something the teacher does not know yet. That's a great way to learn together.


What do you want to say? You hardly answered my question


There will always be something you do not know yet, if you do not stop learning.


If the exam phase is pending, then you should not have to do anything big because you can do it all. Since you have probably done something wrong for the whole semester…

After all, then you have nothing of it, because all that you are still learning, at most in the exam is present and then no more.

Next time, learn from the beginning, on a regular, effective, understanding and sustainable basis, and live that up to your students as well.


Yes I attend all lectures but I never learn big. Only from 1 month before I start to learn a lot. And the weeks before I learn only then. But I do not think so bad very elaborate and persistent

Word exam mode for exam? Ch Chiefkylie