May the bailiff seize the children's belongings?



a question. When it comes to the situation mentioned, the children can't help it. Will your belongings be seized?

Had read that things that were given to the children, should not be impounded.

Say if the daughter has hereditary jewelry and valuable bags & a laptop & pff no idea, nor do I know a TV.

And the son also has a TV and the whole room is full of Lego and toys, maybe a console like PlaySation or Wii.

What may the court take with it for debt repayment? Can you even go to the children's things? Especially if they were given?


As long as there are no written proofs for such gifts, and thus the circumstances of the estate can't be clarified, the bailiff may use all the pawns from the debtor's home. This also includes the third and fourth television when they are e.g. In the children's room or bedroom are located.


The GV can't see or even test that a thing belongs to the children. If the foreign property is not obvious or is not proven in writing and comprehensible on site, then the GV can seize the property.

In order to prevent recovery, the real owner must file a so-called third-party action suit before the enforcement court and prove his ownership. A garnishment is then canceled.

Then it depends on when the donation was made. If the donor only gives away because he wants to discriminate against his creditors (that is, if he wants to protect the property from the seizure), according to the contestation law, he is entitled to a right of avoidance. However, this right is usually limited to a period of four years from the grant. This too should be documented in writing.


So you could according to your logic, all the valuable things just pack in the nursery, say that belongs to the children and already the bailiff has no handle, right? No, of course, not because expensive things are in a nursery, they are not protected from seizure… Of course, no one can get a normal toy, but expensive electronic equipment (except 1 TV) that may have a certain value may be seized… Also valuable jewelry and expensive branded bags


So notice: never rent a Rolex to a has-not over the weekend…


I have nothing, does everything belong to my wife?