How can you remove a hacker?


Strange things happen from my laptop that indicate that I have been hacked. It started with weird, perverse and also scary things and websites being googled that I have NEVER googled before. In addition, the hacker knows which city I live in and why.

I would be so grateful if you could help me.

(the man is definitely a pedo)


Delete everything completely and set it up again, this time with a secure password.


Ok thanks and is the hacker gone?


Save videos and pictures and check again that nothing else is included. Then format all drives and reinstall Windows.


Yes, that's the point behind it.


That's a bit strange, after all, the hacker also has a PC on which you can google things. (the motive is missing a bit, maybe it's just a troll)

Antivirus won't really help you there.

After the complete set-up everything is gone, the hacker, but also all your pictures and co.

There really is no other way. Specialists basically do the same thing, only that they save safe files .jpg and .mp4, for example, are safe, .exe is potentially dangerous and will not be taken away