Film with hackers?


I'm looking for a specific film, hopefully someone can help me. Unfortunately I don't have that much information at hand…

It was about a male person who was probably a hacker.

It was always depicted in the film so that one could better imagine how 2 people would meet and exchange data over the Internet, and it was playing in a subway, the people were masked. One gives an object to the other.

In one scene, the object was disguised as something quite different from what it actually was without the recipient knowing it (representation of a Trojan?).

The man I was talking about had not taped his camera on the laptop which gave a hacker access to his camera and he said something like "now I know where you live and what you look like"

Did the man end up with dice?

I hope I don't swap anything. I would really be interested in the name of the film because my math teacher showed it to us once, but I had never really seen it through to the end


Wer bin ich


Wer bin ich


Wer bin ich? Would be my first idea.


The film is called "Who am i?"