Erasmus semester abroad - yes or no?


I have to decide within a few days whether I want to do a semester abroad in Paris from January. I have a hard time deciding what do you think?

- It was a lot of effort to get the place abroad
- It was a lot of effort to get the dorm room
- before Corona I was looking forward to it (I applied before Corona)
- I have resolved not to let opportunities such as stays abroad slip by
- Moving is not possible

Reasons against:
- Uni is only online, even when I'm on site and I think that will be a lot more exhausting than German university on a laptop
- have little language skills
- my grades will probably suffer
- In the dormitory, social distancing is definitely the order of the day and you can't make any contacts
- I think my current home is more comfortable and you are inside a lot


On the one hand, a semester abroad is of course cool and you don't want to miss something like that. Still, I would advise you to stay here because of the pandemic. A semester abroad is still a trip and since the pandemic can last a year or more, it would be safer to stay at home. In the end, however, you shouldn't listen to us, but to your feelings. We can only give you arguments and make recommendations. You have to decide.


It is probably a great experience not only to be abroad during the holidays but also during school time. If you have a job abroad in later life, you already have a bit of experience


At least in the first half of next year, a stay abroad does not make sense due to the Corona crisis.


Have you already checked whether this is possible at the moment?


Yes, it is possible, it would be at your own risk… And probably a lot of university on the laptop, unless there's relaxation


It is definitely damn hard going abroad to work / study there now. I speak from personal experience. Did you inquire whether you can postpone your stay? Will you also get a place for 2021/22? Does it still fit into your study plan? If not, go now! Better now than not at all! You still get something from the country… And you learn a lot about your own, especially in these times. All the best! Paris is great!


Unfortunately i can't move it