Insomnia and in bed until 2 p.m


I have an obvious problem that for many is probably very easy to deal with, but harder for me than getting an A in school. I passed my Abitur 2 years ago, but I can't get up. How so? I don't fall asleep until 6am. Sometimes at 5 o'clock. I go to bed at 11 p.m., but after that I spend 6-7 hours on my cell phone or laptop. For me, going to bed means: Now is my best time. I watch NHL, bet on it a little for fun, I'm on Instagram, WhatsApp, read articles on the Internet, etc. I like to drink a pilsner and take 4-5 nicotine bags (40mg, one bag every hour ^^). Of course I don't get tired. Blue light everywhere, pretty nervous about betting, plus nicotine flooding. At 6 a.m. I force myself to turn everything off and immediately fall asleep. After 7 hours I'm wide awake. It's just my night activities. However, they are now part of the flesh and blood, and stopping is a milestone. However, I get up when the day is over, I only really wake up towards the evening, I hardly manage anything and the vicious circle gets stronger every day…

Can you help me? 😣


High time to do what? Or? But you say that yourself.

Perhaps it would be good to get psychological support to retrain, as it will likely not be that easy.

But the keyword is retraining. In principle, you know yourself where you can start / what you can reduce.

Above all, retraining means: doing slowly. Small steps. Take any stairs you want to go up. Above it says: normal daily routine (what exactly is normal for you).

Then the question is how do you get there. What would be a first (very flat) step on the way to your goal? (Only 3x nicotine? Stop at 5?) You do that until it works automatically. And then it's the turn of the next level.

Very slowly, very relaxed, and always in good terms with yourself. It all takes a long time, but is more helpful than if you try to hit the ground.

All the best