Continue using electrical noise and smell of fire from laptop after USB killer attack?


Someone in my boarding school attacked my laptop with a USB killer and the educators don't know who it was

With a new original power supply, the laptop starts again but produces strange electrical noises and a slight smell of fire under full load

Am 13 from no money for a new laptop, can I continue to use it?


Well, this can't explode, but it can still break. I guess your PSU is giving up the ghost.


In the long run, components could overheat and the part will fail. In the worst case, the thing goes up in flames.

Either way, you need a solution. And it will not miss a new or used new one. Be happy if you can still save data.


The power supply is completely new, the smell comes from the laptop itself


Is that really possible?


Your laptop has to have a metal case and you have to solder


The laptop may give up after a while.

I would send it in for repair. If the smell comes from TVS diodes that have burned out in the short circuit, you can replace them. Sometimes the USB ports are also on other boards and you can simply remove the corresponding board.

However, as long as something gets hot inside, this flow of current puts a strain on the rest of the laptop and the laptop can give up the ghost by operating it without repairs.


Well, it could also come from the graphics card or mainboard. Before it is on fire, I would have it checked as a precaution. Before everything is broken.


It's made of plastic