Wi-Fi connection is constantly disconnecting itself?


I have noticed for several days that the Wi-Fi connection on the PC disconnects itself every 1-2 minutes. Either there's no internet, there's secured or it is completely gone. It also takes an extremely long time to reconnect to it. The first 20 seconds approx. It's normal in terms of speed but then it gets slower and slower until it breaks off completely.

I have already reinstalled Windows, turned off the BIOS PXE and what do I know everything and I have also set the best things in the settings of the modem. I only have the problem on the PC. It works perfectly on cell phones, laptops and TVs. When I start troubleshooting, it sometimes happens that Windows does not find anything, but often it tells me that WLAN does not have a valid IP or that the standard gateway is not available… I do not know what to do next. With Lan I haven't tried it yet but I can't because the modem is quite far away and I don't have a 5 meter Lan cable. I also can't change it because this is a very special connection to the socket, and there's only once in the apartment, like the satellite connection. I use a Wi-Fi adapter (Tp-Link) that always worked well before. I also reinstalled the driver. Hopefully you can help me, I hope for a problem-solving idea. Lg

Ps: When you connect to another network, everything works fine…


I would just restart the router for 5 minutes


What is the name of your router?


It has been switched off and disconnected from the electricity for 24 hours


I have no router, just a modem and a splitter. The splitter is already 10 years old but it usually still sparks. The modem is called (from A1) vv2220


As I said on the other devices everything fits perfectly and if I connect to the pc via my mobile hotspot for example everything fits… I even looked again to see if my mac address was entered as a lock but there was nothing to reset everything. This can't be?


I doubt you only have a modem. A1 is Austria correct? In de the provider router for such quirks are known. I would look around for a Fritz box


Thanks, I don't know. I will inform myself times.