Laptop or tablet for school? - 1


I need a laptop or tablet for school. Which brand can you recommend that is cheaper and do you find a laptop or tablet better?

I think a tablet with a keyboard is more practical (I take the bus and I'm afraid that if I take a laptop and put it in a laptop bag, I will forget it on the bus or it will be stolen from me), but I think they are very expensive.

With a tablet you can also use a pen. Have you had good experiences with such pens for tablets? Is that easy or more difficult? And which cheaper ones can you recommend?

Hope you can help me.


The word is called tablet. And why should you steal a notebook but not a tablet? Do not understand the train of thought.

I would definitely use a notebook. Depending on what you should do with it, you should at least take a look at the new generation of Chromebooks. They are well on the way to becoming THE devices for the educational sector. No more lost chores due to the cloud, massive battery, super light, support for Linux, Android apps and soon also native for Windows programs. And that at a bargain price.

But the question is - what do you want to do with it?


Oops got a prescription

thought to myself that I can put the tablet in the school bag, but the laptop doesn't fit in.

I need it for accounting and business administration and my teacher said it could be easier with a tablet. We will still write some things on slips of paper unless we have a pen for the tablet then we could do it digitally.


Nobody forces you to use a 17 "laptop, a 13.3" device fits in almost every pocket.

The writing experience on these devices with pen is simply not good for taking notes in class. The only useful device for digital paper is the Remarkable V2 block and it costs several hundred euro.

I use a Rocketbook Fusion, it's handwritten, you scan it, connect it with your mobile phone and the app straightens it, turns it into a PDF and sends it to e-mail, cloud or wherever you want it - then you wipe the page and you're done continue. Great addition to the classic notebook.

Instead of a tablet, it can also be a convertible - which can be used completely as a notebook and tablet. There are also these Chromebooks.


Ok, thanks for your answer, I'll take a look at that