Technology financing yes or no?


I would be interested in this point of view on 0% financing of technology, because I have already read and heard many different opinions.

At the moment I'm considering to do such a financing, the installments would be 40 euro per month, minus rent I have about 750 euro a month as an apprentice. I also paid my laptop to my parents in 50 euro for one year and was still able to put aside a lot of money every month, which is currently needed elsewhere.

From a financial point of view, that would not be a problem, but there are always voices that completely discourage it. So I'm looking forward to arguments for it as well as against it.


Since you do not even earn the exemption, you will NOT receive any official funding. So you can only resort to a private loan from your parents.

0% interest means only that the device is more expensive from the outset. The device manufacturers give away nothing.


I would always advise you to pay the money right away, as long as you have it at the moment… Then you're off and you do not have to worry about having 40 euro less than usual this month


According to the website of the provider for trainees with their own income, a financing sum up to 1000 euro possible


I get from the end of this month only 70, then about 90 euro more a month (depends on change in the third year and the way our Abitur ticket is paid off), so I would not miss the money. What I have saved at the moment is also not available, which is needed more urgently elsewhere


Since where I've been watching the device, by the way, just synonymous still reduced, thus cheaper than the original manufacturer to buy between directly or on installments, there's no difference in price


Then it's not so bad. Then I would pay off the installments and then when you're done, you'll just get 40 euro more on the account, easy👌😊

Rates would be most useful in your situation, since you have set aside more money for obviously more important things


Basically you should not make a difference if it is not 0%. It is first a financing. So you should ask yourself if the acquisition is important enough to you.

In addition, you should hire a reasonable price comparison. There are sometimes suggested within these 0% loans discounted prices of goods, which are in fact excessive prices. It just depends on the bottom line.


Thus cheaper than the original manufacturer,

That's completely irrelevant. You have to compare the current market prices, not with any non-binding price recommendations. A percent sign does not make a favorable price.


Even in comparison with other providers that is the cheapest provider. This is not even offered in the context of this financing, is just as normal on the website and in the shop, the financing is offered as an option and the corresponding rates displayed directly. Also calculated there, the price is the same as if I would pay it immediately, and is fully in the market value in it