Hartz 4, self-employed, financing?


Hello there are possibilities to become self-employed (as a Hartz 4 recipient)

What about financing? I would like to start a film production company, have also worked on some projects and have done internships.

For starters, I need a good camera and a laptop.

What about funding / support from the job center? How can I convince my advisor?


Do you have an education in this direction, otherwise no chance.


It depends a bit on which state you live in! So for example in Bavaria you get a lot of support like a "start-up loan" and also "start-up support" at the IHK. That would also be my tip just open up there and present your idea to them! If you need any more tips, feel free to report. Good luck with your start-up idea, I think that sounds promising!


You can forget that in the area! And the office doesn't pay your equipment, you can be happy who they pay you Alg2 for 2 years!

It makes no sense what you have in mind, because 50,000 euro are not enough, but that is the maximum without equity!

Only what promises success is promoted and you don't even know what such a company has to have!

A chamber like For Movies or TV Serire only costs more than 100,000 euro

And you also need more than 1 camera!

You don't even have the real costs on your screen!

A camera and only a laptop are not enough. As a company you have to buy the programs or purchase a license, which is also quite expensive! You can't just use free programs from the network!

So nobody would support you because the price is too expensive!

What is Dan den also with the studio you also have to pay for that!


In this environment you will most likely not be able to get the ok from office…

But… You can very well set up your own business on the side… You show incoming money to the office… If nothing comes, H4 continues…

A camera and a laptop should be available together for less than 1,000 euro… There will be no credit for this…


Training in this branch is 10 times more realistic than your project. An apprenticeship is also an advantage because you then have more specialist knowledge. I don't think you will get support from the office. I find it brazen that you want to finance your laptop and camera from the taxpayers' money. Go to work and finance your dream with your money.

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