Power point?


Moin i have a laptop with windows 8 at home, i made a presentation on powerpoint online. I have to open it in school on a pc that has microsoft office 2007. But I don't know how to drag my presentation onto my stick because I don't have a power point on my laptop or can buy it. Is there any possibility? Can you open a presentation on powerpoint online in the school on microsoft office power point 2007? If so, can someone please help with?

it would be very helpful


Save it on your email and then open it at school via your email.


PowerPoint2007 is decisive in your project for the PC in school. According to your description, I can't understand where you created your presentation, but the "* .pptx" format should also run under 2007. To what extent animations / slide transitions correspond to the template you should try out.
To save on the stick, please use this https://www.wintotal.de/tipp/powerpoint-praesentation-exportieren/ z. B. Difference between saving and exporting, see under 3.3 "Packing the presentation… For USB stick").