Media representation of a card that gradually reveals itself?


Is there a program with which I can e.g. Get many elements on screen 1 and only after clicking on an element does it appear on a parallel map on screen 2? Then I would pair my laptop with my TV set accordingly and implement that. Can the PowerPoint? If yes how? Can that be done with one note?

Background: I will soon be leading a round of pen and paper RPGs (The Black Eye 5) and would need a few ideas from you to implement it.

In principle, there's a branched path with several relevant locations on this path, as well as a river that is not quite parallel to the path.

I now want to learn more about my heroes, reveal elements of this map. However, I don't know beforehand when the heroes will gain which knowledge, that only becomes apparent in the game.

So it may be that you find out about point X on the map and how to get there very early in the game, or not at all, or only in the middle, analogously to other points, depending on who you talk to and where you are going.

I have a complete map because they may automatically pass point B on the way to point X and I will then go into it. Then of course I would also let point B appear on the card that is intended for the players when they are there. You only knew point X, which was shown when you heard about it.

My drawing skills leave a lot to be desired. I would prefer to be able to display the whole thing on one screen. A flipboard or similar I have not. Emergency solution would be that I draw discovered parts of the map on an A3 sheet, but that is neither elegant nor smooth, I would then have to start drawing the route as precisely as possible and so on.

Another idea would be to print the individual components of the card and gradually lay them on a sheet and arrange them. Somehow I would have to fix it and hope that in the end everything works out by the distances.

Do you know a computer solution or do you remember how I can implement it directly at the table?


With PowerPoint, you can implement this to some extent. Only the fully exposed card would have to be made available in another form.

But it is tedious because you have to make at least one procedure for each clickable element.

You can make small games or quizzes relatively well via Poerpoint.


Thank you very much, I'm reading in there. It is not expected that the card will be fully revealed at the end - there are many ways to reach the goal and you will not be able to follow every clue.


I have now set up for testing that the elements appear when I click on them. Of course, I can't click on them if they haven't appeared. So the slide is simply empty and is ended. Can I control from screen 1 what should appear on screen 2?


You could do it with the free online RPG tool Roll20.

As SL, you can cover cards with the Fog of War and reveal them.

I.e. You would have the map fully displayed on your laptop and the covered map on your players' smart TV or tablet.

All you need is two free accounts, one as a SL via the laptop and the second for displaying the map on a second PC / tablet / smart TV.

It could also be possible with an account, but I would have to look again myself.

There are enough instructions on YT how something like this works with Roll20. Or you can take part in a workshop at the numerous online conventions.

Hopefully I could help.


I had done something like that before. I used for this.

I practically had a map of the landscape as a background layer. Above it a black layer to hide (except for a few high mountains that could be seen from a distance) that I had worked with the eraser tool according to the progress of the group.

That was my fog of war. So on the map you could only see what the group had explored or had in sight. By reducing the size of the eraser, I could also display different viewing distances.

And there were a lot of levels with the points of interest. The levels were hidden and meaningfully labeled. So when the group got information about a place I could show it.

My round was on discord but of course you can do that with a TV at the table.


Then I remember that you can play music and sounds wonderfully easily with Roll20. Roll 20 uses the Tabletop Audio page. The RPG offers pieces of music for every occasion.