Headset Microphone quality has significantly / noticeably deteriorated after switching from laptop to pc?


As described above I used my hyper x Cloud for 2 years on my laptop and always the sound quality was very good over ts… Now I have my new PC and the sound quality has deteriorated noticeably on Ts… Does anyone have a solution to my problem


It is very close that the microphone amplifier in the new PC is worse than that in the laptop.


How can that be? I have a much newer motherboard than the one from my old laptop? How can you fix this?


Even if the motherboard is newer in the PC than in the laptop, the manufacturers like to save on the audio inputs and outputs. There used to be sound cards today, the sound is on board, which is cheaper again. How to fix the malady now? Well, if the headset is wireless, it looks bad. Does it have 3.5mm jack, then you could build this here:


Of course, the output of the amplifier comes in the line in your PC.

I would not know more about advice now.


It is not wireless and should have the jack connection, but this leads into a regulator jack, say the jack where the headset is completely operated and this ends with a usb 3.0 port


So the bottleneck is the USB. I also had difficulties with that. Wanted to connect a USB interface from the Yamaha AG06 to the PC via USB. Result noises without end. Microphone recording with a dynamic microphone was almost impossible. The following procedure has helped: Windows system driver USB Audio Codec newly installed and clipped to the cable in front of the USB connector a Klappferrit.

Headset Microphone quality has significantly noticeably deteriorated after switching from laptop to pc


Since then, all disturbances have been reduced to an inaudible minimum.

Unfortunately, you are not in the technology. What works on one PC can interfere with the other PC. It only helps to try out.