Laptop typing noise annoys me so much from colleague?


I just registered here, and I'm just looking around here!

I have a problem that really bothers me a lot!

A university colleague, who is with me in the same semester, and with whom I understand myself very well, goes, as I do, in all lectures.

Of course, she always sits next to me, because we 2 understand each other very well, but it is so that she co-writes extremely loud on her laptop.

She has no old but a relatively new laptop, I also write by laptop. But she just really writes down any nonsense (I've noticed many times that she can't tell important from unimportant things, but that's her thing), but the problem with that is that it just annoys me so much, so I'm more likely to get started the lecture, although I still like to have stayed until the end.

This has been going on since the beginning of college, and slowly it really annoys me so much that I would like to tell her how much annoys me!

I would so much like to suggest that she let another person sit between us. So not necessarily a whole series to change, but so that at least 1 person or 2 people sit between us.

She also bought such a mouse with which she clicks all the time. Really all the time!

Even in the breaks, she taps and clicks non-stop, because she copies something again into any documents etc…

It's just so uncomfortable and annoying, really!

I myself also write a lot, but not every little thing and also not so annoying loud…

But on the other side I'm also wondering if I should really say that, I do not want to stand there as a person, which annoys little things, but it's always like this and I just can't concentrate like that… It just makes me really crazy,

Do you find my opinion exaggerated or do you know such a problem?

Should I tell her?


Does nobody have a similar problem?