Word2016 program does not open?


I have a very big problem and think that I will find an answer here.

Namely, I've edited a project on the school pc and stored directly on my stick, without any as before to save on the school pc. When I got home, I plugged my stick on an Appel laptop a bit corrected, then stored stick pulled out. An hour later, I plugged the stick to a Windows laptop but everything was completely gone, there was nothing left. So jz called at school, my colleague has opened my school pc and tried to open the file, however, false display. There's indeed my Word2016 folder / program but you can't open it.

Does anyone know? And helping me with that would be really important.


Did you put the stick again on your Apple notebook and looked, if you still get there to the document?


My Macs are in French, I do not know the corresponding German terms - sorry.

Did you pull the stick out of the Apple without first erasing it on the screen? Then something like that can happen. Normally, the Apple then displays a message on its screen.

You can try putting the stick back in an Apple.

Maybe then it does not show anything, does not recognize anything. You can call the Disk Utility, maybe it recognizes the stick yet. Also in the Apple menu top left is still hope: Click on the info of the Mac, there in the material details, and there in "USB". There's shown what all depends on the USB via the machine.

Maybe the Mac also shows that the disk is unreadable and if you want to reformat it. No click. A specialist may still be able to save the data.

Maybe the LED of the stick will start flashing. That would be a good sign! That would mean he reads the stick's structure and tries to fix it. This can be fast, but it can also take a lot of time. Let him blink! Do not let the computer go into "pause". It should always be "awake" during this procedure. If that takes longer, you can go into the system settings in the energy saving and the automatic "Pause" on never. Connect the charger.

If that works, save your work on the Mac. And eject the stick properly. Then he should be readable on a PC.

Uh, if you have formatted the stick on a Mac in Mac format, a PC can't read it.

When framing a stick on a Mac, choose the PC-compatible format.



And if you formatted the stick on a PC with some PC formats, it could happen that the Mac could read it, but could not write on it. You had to format the sticks with FAT (32?) To make it work. But my experience is already old. Although we still have two PCs, but because Windows is like grass, they are in the closet. Reserve for emergencies, or when our grandchildren come to visit and make their games over the Internet.