Administrative assistant or not?


If I look at the job like that, then it does not even look bad. Payment is top. The security is also given and it should go there quite relaxed.

But you often hear that you are bored to death.
That would be a pity on the one hand, of course, because you throw away potential and is not required. On the other hand, I also think that's really good.

Does anyone know? Is it allowed to surf during the phases where there's nothing to do, to the mobile phone, programming on the laptop etc?

Or is one forced to just sit around there?

Otherwise, the whole thing would be a chance to build something while you are mainly hedged. Do you understand what i mean?


As an administrative assistant, you will hardly have to be bored, since the work is so arranged that you always have to do. No company can afford to employ someone who is constantly bored and has time for computer games, but who are not allowed to work, so everything personal on the PC.


"Is it allowed to surf during the phases where there's nothing to do, to the mobile phone, programming on the laptop, etc?"

no one is not allowed If you want to go public, you need to know that there are many rules to which you are bound. There are legal ordinances, but also internal regulations. So much boredom is not really there, there are departments that are pretty busy. Especially in the field of granting benefits.

You only have real security when you are a civil servant, but even there you can't just sit around all day doing whatever you want. It will take a few years to become a civil servant and during that time you will be checked carefully. Employees can be dismissed under employment law as well as someone who works in the private sector.

Whether the job is for you, but can tell you an internship.